HypnoBirthing Educator | Fertile Body Practitioner | Yoga teacher


I am a mother-of-four, a former classroom teacher, now HypnoBirthing Educator, Fertile Body Practitioner and Yoga teacher, with a special interest in pregnancy yoga.

My journey to work with the womb began 10 years ago, when pregnant with my first child. I knew I wanted birth to be more than just something done to me, I wanted to be an active participant, and active in the decisions made about myself and my baby. I wanted to be educated, but also feel supported. And so, began my journey to become a HypnoBirthing Educator.

I want all women to understand the connection between head, heart and body, and utilise a lot of mind-body therapy within each modality I practice, creating balance emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

The Fertile Body Method originated in the UK, foundered by Sjanie Hugo Wulitzer. FMB is a mind body approach to fertility which acknowledges the importance of working with fertility problems in a holistic way, using a range of strategies including CBT, guided relaxation (hypnotherapy), breathing, meditation, mindfulness, affirmations to increase feelings of wellbeing and confidence, balance your thinking, regulate hormones, reduce stress, and increase your fertility. You can read more about a recently published study here:

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We can be our own Doctors. By listening to our wombs we are connecting to our own wisdom for our overall health.

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